scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
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- Issues
- MNT Enforce ruff/Perflint rules (PERF)
- MNT Enforce ruff rules (RUF)
- MNT Apply ruff/flake8-implicit-str-concat rules (ISC)
- Make scikit-learn OpenML more generic for the data download URL
- FeatureHasher and HashingVectorizer does not expose requires_fit=False tag
- DOC add plot_ols_ridge_variance example to the doc
- Possible bug in sklearn 1.6.1 PartialDependenceDisplay.from_estimator when target and feature are both binary
- UX `CalibrationDisplay`'s naive use can lead to very confusing results
- DOC add read more tagline for contingency matrix metric
- HistGradientBoostingClassifier/Regressor 15x slowdown on small data problems compared to disabled OpenMP threading
- Docs
- Python not yet supported