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1 Issues (tiarait/webdav-fs)webdav-fs
1 Issuesspring-cloud
1 IssuesUmbrella project for Spring Cloud
(spring-projects/spring-cloud) (evmos/awesome)awesome
1 Issuesmint
1 Issuesa makefile linter
1 IssuesIntroducing Kish-MD, your ultimate WhatsApp companion! Elevate your messaging game with a thrilling experience crafted just for you.Say hello to a world of endless possibilities with Kish-MD by your side.
1 IssuesSimple Todo App which uses broadcast receivers (for notifications), touch gestures, Dialog Fragments and sqlite database
1 IssuesAuth-N is a powerful API for managing user authentication
1 Issueslint tool for golang
1 IssuesMirror of git://
1 IssuesJogo da Velha com Inteligência Artificial - Baseado no Algoritmo da Jogada Perfeita
1 Issues:house: Source code for
1 IssuesFoundatio RabbitMQ
1 IssuesAmigo Community Clinic project for all her developers
1 IssuesAWS SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js
1 IssuesA Calculator app in C# built using Unity3d.
1 IssuesDirectional / Arrow buttons for Bootstrap
1 Issues⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static site generator for React.
1 IssuesYurikoto第一版API实现,基于go-gin
1 IssuesFuel PHP Framework - Fuel v1.x Email library
1 IssuesFallout New Vegas launcher script with mod management based on OverlayFS. Usable as simple Linux alternative to Mod Organizer. Possibly compatible with other games using same engine.
1 IssuesA micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
1 IssuesSimple and lightweight community contributed JavaScript SDK for Buy Me a Coffee REST API. 💻☕⚡
(warengonzaga/buymeacoffee.js) (chrisferdian/essdynamicform)essdynamicform
1 Issuesstonecss
1 IssuesA Revolutionary, Unbreakable CSS framework. Stone CSS. Official Website.
1 IssuesDrop-in phar files for each Respect project
1 Issues🧪 The Athenna test runner. Built on top of Japa.
1 IssuesUnique wordlist generator of unique wordlists.
1 Issues🔥 Tips For Better Markdown With Variations And Practices
(divyanshudhruv/better-markdown) (luongtrungdong/codespaces-jupyter)codespaces-jupyter
1 Issues (ali8889/github-move)github-move
1 Issuesclomp
1 IssuesClomp gem provides a smooth, lightweight, productive and reusable way to build an operation using Railway oriented programing paradigm
1 IssuesJust another repository
1 IssuesBuilding RESTful APIs with Java EE 7 and JAXRS
1 Issues🏎 An online formulae browser for Homebrew
1 IssuesComposer Package in one file that allows you to create log files and write logs
1 IssuesZoomable Container hosting Floating Windows with Zoomable Content
1 IssuesPackage migrated to
(dsoftwareinc/django-rq-scheduler) (off-cord/voicefive)voicefive
1 Issuesqtinappanalytics
1 IssuesQt In-App Analytics
1 Issuesa fractal flame editor for electric sheep
1 IssuesRust bindings for FreeType.
1 Issues[sh] certwatch cron implementation for letsencrypt certificates
1 IssuesBitDust project source codes : official Public Git repository (mirror on GitHub) :
1 IssuesProtect Front End HTML Injection and Changing without mutation event. Support all browser
1 IssuesGo SDK to communicate to Neon SaaS platform
1 IssuesA angular module to add directive `ng-touchstart`.
(nglar/ngtouchstart) (optimusmaxx/codespaces-jupyter)codespaces-jupyter
1 Issuesmockingcase
1 Issuesnode package that converts a string to mOcKiNgCaSe