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8 Issues✏️ Nice modular interactive 2D drawing library
8 IssuesPrototype and build projects faster using Neu UI - an open source React component library designed to neumorphic style. Built using React, Styled Components, Jest and Storybook.
8 IssuesCreate vue-resource's resource like object with axios. Restful methods, interceptors support.
8 IssuesPsiphon for Windows client
8 IssuesA portable Java library for WebAuthn and Apple App Attest server side verification
8 IssuesTerraform module to manage a k3s cluster on given machines
8 IssuesQueue extension for Yii 3.0
8 IssuesDrop down menu for iOS 🔥💥
(karimebrahemabdelaziz/swiftymenu) (rtiinternational/harness-vue-bootstrap)harness-vue-bootstrap
8 Issuestsextract
8 IssuesTime series feature extraction for Supervised Learning Modeling
8 IssuesAn encrypted file system in Rust that mounts with FUSE on Linux. It can be used to create encrypted directories.
8 IssuesThe Simple Intelligent and Modular Programming Language and Environment
8 Issues[UWP] A Quick, Easy and Secure Password Generator
8 Issuesdnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
8 IssuesTableFree ActiveRecord w/ associations and nested attributes
8 IssuesTrailblazer's Operation implementation.
8 IssuesSistema de métricas de calidad que busca implementar el planteo "Goal-Question-Metric" para formalizar conceptos de calidad de software
(daxcurson/calidad) (xml-comp/xml-comp)xml-comp
8 Issues (christianpanov/lwlog)lwlog
8 Issuesslot-filling
8 Issues:ambulance: Model for spoken language understanding of ambulance emergency calls in singapore by identifying and filling in the important slots from conversations :warning: (WIP)
7 IssuesA (currently incomplete) open-source Digital Audio Workstation, made by musicians, for musicians
7 IssuesAndroid contacts app built in Java!
7 IssuesRocketChat API Implemented in Python
7 Issuesa JAva virtual machine Rpg Interpreter written in KOtlin
7 IssuesVimana is an easy to use system for searching , installing, and downloading vim script. Vimana provides a command-line interface such like aptitude programe on Debian linux, for you to search , download , install , upgrade scripts from
7 IssuesA toolkit designed to enhance .NET application development.
7 IssuesBuilt on top of Wordpress tech, Greenpeace Planet 4 powers digital platforms to engage with millions and win campaigns around the world.
7 IssuesErlang Style Reviewer
7 Issues:exclamation: RGCCA — Regularized and Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiblock Data
7 IssuesNeovim Java client library. Provides multiple interfaces for communicating with Neovim instance via multiple different protocols. - Moved to
7 IssuesThe reverse job board for Ruby on Rails developers.
7 IssuesA Laravel package for merging Eloquent Models
7 IssuesA Text-Based Roguelike MMORPG – World Simulation – Genetic Programming Project
7 IssuesA port of Hamcrest to rust
7 IssuesA C++ library for accessing LOOT's metadata and sorting functionality.
7 IssuesPython API and command line interface for the machine learning competition
7 IssuesZend Framework 2 Module for Doctrine
7 IssuesBasic linting for Emacs Lisp
7 IssuesArbitrary precision decimal arithmetic
7 IssuesOpen source engine used for The Sims
7 IssuesUsing Ruby and Capistrano, deploy a static website to an Amazon S3 website bucket.
7 Issues2D Platformer game made using java.processing
7 IssuesRuby gem for building Telegram Bot with optional Rails integration
7 IssuesJSR-353-JSON Processing - artefact, followon from the LJC hackday
7 IssuesThe Spring Integration Extensions project provides extension components for Spring Integration
7 IssuesClamAV network and pipe client for PHP
7 IssuesWifi Bruteforce (WiBr) is a wifi cracking tool written in c#.
7 IssuesAutomatically exported from
7 IssuesExtract text information from Aadhaar Card using tesseract-ocr :sunglasses: