A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
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Help out
- Issues
- inherit_* default.yml from config dir
- Update `Style/RedundantCondition` cop to detect ternary expressions where the true branch is `true` and suggest replacing them with a logical OR
- Style/KeywordArgumentsMerging is not safe for rails HashWithIndifferentAccess hashes
- Add new `InternalAffairs/OnSendWithoutOnCSend` cop
- Naming/PredicateName: Optionally use Sorbet to detect predicate methods
- Add new `Lint/RedundantLiteralConversion` cop
- Explicitly provided hidden directories are ignored if absolute paths are used
- Style/MultipleComparison autocorrect leaves an error state due to Performance/CollectionLiteralInLoop
- Changing inherited files' require files does not automatically restart the rubocop server
- Add new `Lint/MethodKeywordName` cop
- Docs
- RuboCop::Cop::Lint::FloatComparison#on_csend
- RuboCop::Cop::Security::CompoundHash#on_csend
- RuboCop::Cop::InternalAffairs::LocationExpression#on_csend
- RuboCop::Cop::InternalAffairs::RedundantSourceRange#on_csend
- RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodCallBraceLayout#on_csend
- RuboCop::Cop::InternalAffairs::NodeFirstOrLastArgument#on_csend
- RuboCop::Cop::Layout::MultilineMethodArgumentLineBreaks#on_csend
- RuboCop::DirectiveComment#raw_cop_names
- RuboCop::CLI::Command::ShowCops::WildcardMatcher#match?
- RuboCop::CLI::Command::ShowCops::WildcardMatcher#pattern