


The web, with simplicity.


Plugins registry

NOTE: We can't use `Components` registry.

Plugins are loaded when Bundler requires `Gemfile` gems.
During this phase the `Components` that we can resolve are erased by the
first incoming request in development.
They are erased by a workaround that we had to put in place in `Hanami.boot`.
This workaround is `Components.release` and it was introduced because
`shotgun` failed to reload components, so we have to release for each
incoming request.
After the `Components` registry is cleared up, Hanami is able to resolve all
the components from scratch.

When we'll switch to `hanami-reloader` for development, we can remove
`Components.release` and we'll be able to store plugins in `Components` and
remove `Hanami.plugins` as well.

Source | Google | Stack overflow


git clone [email protected]:hanami/hanami.git

cd hanami

open lib/hanami.rb


# Make a new branch

git checkout -b -your-name--update-docs-Hanami-plugins-for-pr

# Commit to git

git add lib/hanami.rbgit commit -m "better docs for Hanami.plugins"

# Open pull request

gem install hub # on a mac you can `brew install hub`

hub fork

git push <your name> -your-name--update-docs-Hanami-plugins-for-pr

hub pull-request

# Celebrate!