:bar_chart: Kibana analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch
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- Issues
- [Security Solution] [Enhancement] Details for command "kill-process --entityId" and "suspend-process --entityId" is missing under help section of Response Console
- User can copy & share data views with same existing names into spaces
- [Reporting] xpack.reporting.queue.pollEnabled: false - can't disable cloud Kibana instance that claims reporting jobs from a hosted instance
- [Workplace Search] Adding fields to be displayed in "Result Detail" of a Source is very tedious
- [Workplace Search] Dropdown fields lists should be sorted (currently they are not)
- [ResponseOps][Cases] Design feedback for cases
- Suppress the infinite toast messages which appear on clicking cases if the encryption key is not set in kibana.yml
- [Security Solution]Add data view in context for Custom Rule Type Tile under step 1 Rule Creation
- [Security Solution] Tree map is flicker for a second when click on refresh button the alerts page
- [Security Solution][Alerts] Decouple gap detection from additional lookback
- Docs
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