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- Issues
- Fastlane isnt building my android application but my IOS on xcode cloud builds.
- `register_devices` not working on latest version
- Asset validation failed for upload_to_testflight action
- AWS::ERROR::InvalidSSOToken error on running `fastlane match` with s3 storage_mode set
- Fix - Handle nil expiration_date in valid? method for pending certifi…
- Remove claim that match "automatically repears expired certificates"
- Provisioning profile detection not working with Xcode 16
- 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
- fastlane spaceauth failed every time
- Fastlane Swift: `find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem fastlane (>= 0.a) with executable fastlane (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
- Docs
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#release_date=
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#release_date
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#pre_order_publish_date=
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#pre_order_publish_date
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#pre_order_enabled=
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#pre_order_enabled
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#content_statuses=
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#content_statuses
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#available=
- Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TerritoryAvailability#available