Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce.
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- Issues
- ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in checkout#update
- Error in /orders/*: frame window is not ready (Stripe)
- [Flaky] spec/system/consumer/checkout/tax_not_incl_spec.rb
- As a shopper, I can access a specific product thanks to a direct link
- Allow forgery protection in tests
- [BUU] Pagination info is incorrect after cloning/deleting products
- Rubocop Rails/ResponseParsedBody
- Remove MaskDataService to use hiding on rendering instead
- [BUU] Stock settings selection is lost, if there are errors on saving
- [BUU] Variant updates ignored when error on bulk updating products
- Docs
- Spree::Role.admin
- RemoveVariantDefaultValue#down
- RemoveVariantDefaultValue#up
- CustomersCreatedManuallyRemoveNull#change
- AddExternalBillingIdOnEnterprises#change
- StockSyncJob.sync_catalogs_by_perform_method
- StockSyncJob.sync_linked_catalogs_later
- Spree::Admin::TaxCategoriesHelper#tax_category_dropdown_options
- DfcCatalog#adjust_offer_stock
- DfcCatalog#adjust_item_stock