Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
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- Issues
- TST: Disallow bare tm.assert_produces_warning
- BUG: DataFrameGroupBy.__getitem__ fails with tuples on multi-level column objects
- ENH: pd.NamedAgg should accept args and kwargs
- Potential regression induced by commit 924f246
- Potential regression induced by commit 9cd5e55
- ENH: Explore SIMDJSON for JSON I/O
- ENH: `FY5253Quarter` to support alternative week allocations
- BUG: 2.2.2 pep517 build fails
- BUG: Incorrect behaviour when using `loc` on a resampled time index dataframe
- DOC: Plotting Backend Documentation Incorrect
- Docs
- Python not yet supported