Ruby on Rails
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- Issues
- eager_load always passes "SQL" as query name to ActiveSupport sql.active_record listener
- Fix order of LEFT JOINS when using `eager_load`:
- I18n::InvalidPluralizationData exception from ActiveModel::Translation#human_attribute_name
- Keep the attribute's name translation as is:
- Freeze database conversion types
- Unexpected behavior on using last with ordering when ordering by a column with duplicates
- Import problem about channel javascript when using a js runtime.
- Update PostgreSQL UUID documentation [ci-skip]
- Don't include `script` and `style` content to node plaintext conversion
- Support hash-source in Content Security Policy
- Docs
- ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.cache_for_connection_pool
- ActiveRecord::TestFixtures#fixture
- Rails::Generators::Testing::Assertions#assert_initializer
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionHandling#adapter_class
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MySQL::Quoting::ClassMethods#quote_table_name
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MySQL::Quoting::ClassMethods#quote_column_name
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MySQL::Quoting::ClassMethods#column_name_with_order_matcher
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MySQL::Quoting::ClassMethods#column_name_matcher
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3::Quoting::ClassMethods#quote_table_name
- ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3::Quoting::ClassMethods#quote_column_name