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2 IssuesTesting out
2 IssuesYour Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages
2 Issueschocolatey-coreteampackages
2 Issues`flutter_bloc` implemented with `riverpod` instead of `provider`.
2 IssuesKotlin library for importing/exporting bibliographic records in RIS format
2 IssuesHelping in delicate moments
(ruanaragao/passmeter) (justwhit3/ptc-print)ptc-print
2 Issuesrust-camunda-client
2 Issuescamunda client generated via openapi-generator
2 IssuesCreate a website from simple reStructuredText files
2 IssuesA framework to help implement Server-Driven UI in your apps natively.
2 IssuesA crate which defines parsers for common programming language constructs using
2 IssuesPython3 API wrapper and web scraper for
2 Issuespre-commit git hooks to take care of OpenTofu configurations
2 IssuesFramework X – the simple and fast micro framework for building reactive web applications that run anywhere.
2 Issuescode powering the panda
2 IssuesUm Tema Flat, Limpo e algumas utilidades para o site BancoDeSéries ❤️
2 IssuesNode.js CLI tool to visualize an aggregate list of your dependencies' licenses
2 IssuesA powerful, plugin-based, multi-purpose Telegram bot designed to serve a wide variety of purposes based on mattata!
2 IssuesDockUp is a Ruby dockerized backup solution that supports different backends like: S3, Azure blob storage, Google cloud storage, local filesystem, etc.
2 IssuesFree Vue JS (Nuxt 2) Tailwind Admin Dashboard Template
2 IssuesThis project is not using github!
(dodiaraculus/php-hosting-control-panel-) (dsc-utdallas/dsc-bot)dsc-bot
2 Issuesrevanced-magisk-module
2 IssuesExtensive ReVanced builder. Builds both modules and APKs. Updated daily.
(j-hc/revanced-magisk-module) (amrdeveloper/amun)amun
2 Issuesradiant-page-attachments-extension
2 IssuesAn extension for Radiant CMS to support file uploads modeled as attachments to pages.
2 IssuesA collection and demo of new CSS and web features.
2 IssuesA curated list of awesome resources for Graal, GraalVM, Truffle and related topics
2 IssuesGo SDK for moonshot kimi
2 IssuesPYGA: Python Google Analytics (ga.js) - Data Collection API
2 IssuesRuby Object Oriented Design Inferometer
2 IssuesPythonic wrapper for PyQt5 / PySide2
2 IssuesThis is a model project through which I wish to help the NGOs in their internet presence for free. You are welcome to collaborate and contribute.
2 IssuesAStyle plugin for geany
(m0jo/geany-astyle) (alaincaron/ts-fluent-iterators-async)ts-fluent-iterators-async
2 Issuesbuymeacoffee.js
2 IssuesSimple and lightweight community contributed JavaScript SDK for Buy Me a Coffee REST API. 💻☕⚡
2 IssuesPython tool to download Binance Candlestick (k-line) data from REST API
2 IssuesBuilding footprint segmentation from satellite and aerial imagery
2 Issues100 Days of Data Science
2 IssuesRegression test selection for Ruby
2 IssuesA simple terminal diary journal application written in Python with encryption support.
2 IssuesPrimitive is a JavaFX framework which provides better logging and organization.
2 IssuesA curated repository for minor and major projects alloted in schools and colleges
2 IssuesAngular 1.6 Setup With Webpack Starter
2 IssuesThe PHP Hooks Class is a fork of the WordPress filters hook system rolled in to a class to be ported into any php based system.
2 IssuesJavascript promises ported to Golang
2 IssuesVBoxAdm Roundcube Plugin
2 IssuesProcess HEX files in Python
2 IssuesEmissão de bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros
2 IssuesA rust crate to offer compile-time assistance for working with unsafe code.
2 IssuesHorizontal scrolling menu component for React.