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- reStructuredText
2 IssuesFramework X – the simple and fast micro framework for building reactive web applications that run anywhere.
2 IssuesStatic site server (basically blogs) with Crystal Language
2 IssuesSimple client+server chat on tcp ip, with select()
2 Issuescode powering the panda
2 IssuesEthereum Authentication Tokens library for node.js dApps
2 IssuesMinifier of js, css, html and img
2 IssuesAn iOS progress indicator view library written in SwiftUI
(exyte/progressindicatorview) (dsc-utdallas/dsc-bot)dsc-bot
2 Issueshttp-range
2 IssuesA PHP library for parsing and handling HTTP range requests.
(ramsey/http-range) (barreeeiroo/chatable)chatable
2 Issuesarangodb-php-driver
2 IssuesArangoDB Driver delivered as C-extension for PHP
(lucassouzavieira/arangodb-php-driver) (zombocom/git_hub_bub)git_hub_bub
2 Issuesdeadmethods
2 Issuesan ant task to find unused methods, regardless of access
(mebigfatguy/deadmethods) (vireshrajvansh/hello-world)hello-world
2 Issueseslint-config
2 IssuesESLint config for pixi.js plugin/integration libraries
(pixijs/eslint-config) (lobo-m4/automatic-rotary-phone)automatic-rotary-phone
2 Issuesprismane
2 IssuesPrismane is an innovative have-it-all React UI library
2 IssuesWeb-based suite of tools for administrators and developers to interact with the APIs
2 IssuesBetter Doctrine Support with Laravel (Support for `enum`)
2 IssuesSimple and lightweight community contributed JavaScript SDK for Buy Me a Coffee REST API. 💻☕⚡
2 IssuesEmail subscriptions for Rails
2 IssuesMoney Hack for GTA:O 1.44
2 Issues🚀 React-Context API starter to help you start a Project with Best practices
2 IssuesBoring Finance: Fancy Record Keeping
2 IssuesA simple command line tool to give you a fancy command line interface to dive into Awesome lists.
(umutphp/awesome-cli) (tevychhy/
2 Issuespre
2 IssuesA rust crate to offer compile-time assistance for working with unsafe code.
2 IssuesSaying an encrypted hello to the entire world with our very first certificate we signed.
2 IssuesA Serilog sink that writes events to Excel-DNA LogDisplay
(serilog-contrib/serilog-sinks-exceldnalogdisplay) (mphimla2/matina-phimla)matina-phimla
2 Issuesyktt-reign
2 IssuesAll
(territauranga/yktt-reign) (spikingneurons/toolcraft)toolcraft
2 Issuesflownav
2 IssuesAnnotation processor that provides better navigation on android multi-modules projects.
2 IssuesA library to help with getting IP addresses in Swift
2 Issues🛢️ The Athenna database handler for SQL/NoSQL.
2 IssuesUm Tema Flat, Limpo e algumas utilidades para o site BancoDeSéries ❤️
2 IssuesAStyle plugin for geany
2 IssuesBuilding footprint segmentation from satellite and aerial imagery
(fuzailpalnak/building-footprint-segmentation) (kerollesroshdi/textytabbar)textytabbar
2 Issuesnice_http
2 IssuesNiceHttp -- simplest library for accessing and testing HTTP and REST resources. Manage different hosts on the fly. Easily get the value you want from the JSON strings. Use hashes on your requests.
2 IssuesInteract with the Toggl API through PowerShell
2 IssuesBe Like Bill meme generator and API created with PHP, Using this API you can include customized version of "Be like Bill" meme on your website.
2 IssuesVirtual keyboard where you can copy characters directly
2 IssuesChange ActiveRecord associations in a structured manner
2 IssuesA library for decoding audio in Sony's ATRAC9 format
2 IssuesJavaScript utils for lazy devs.
(fabiocaccamo/utils.js) (josharsh/good-weather)good-weather
2 Issuesinput-case-enforcer
2 IssuesEnforce uppercase, lowercase, or Capitalized inputs & textareas
2 IssuesA common lib for creating bash script easily.
2 Issuesdocument your favorite subreddit using python magic !