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2 Issues (mpimentel04/rtsp_fastapi)rtsp_fastapi
2 Issuesmqtt-connector
2 IssuesMQTT connector for OpenFaaS
2 IssuesProcess HEX files in Python
(christoph2/objutils) (yamamoto7/rails_json_seeder)rails_json_seeder
2 Issuestweakcompatible
2 IssuesAdds a compatibility checker to cydia
(jlippold/tweakcompatible) (qdigital/alchemy)alchemy
2 Issuesgithub-actions
2 IssuesMy first GitHub Actions repo.
2 IssuesThis is a hook for Voyager that will import a Wordpress xml file into the Voyager DB
2 IssuesIf you are a linux user and unsatisfied with the current theme collection want to create new theme or modify current one then this documentation is for you
2 IssuesTools to aid mining of ruby code in git repositories
2 IssuesLinter configurations for Pa11y projects
2 IssuesA curated list of awesome resources for Graal, GraalVM, Truffle and related topics
2 Issuespre-commit git hooks to take care of OpenTofu configurations
2 IssuesA configurable Git hook for adhering to the Conventional Commit specification
(craicoverflow/sailr) (dsc-utdallas/dsc-bot)dsc-bot
2 Issuesrevanced-magisk-module
2 IssuesExtensive ReVanced builder. Builds both modules and APKs. Updated daily.
2 IssuesPythonic wrapper for PyQt5 / PySide2
2 IssuesA simple terminal diary journal application written in Python with encryption support.
2 IssuesJavascript promises ported to Golang
2 IssuesHorizontal scrolling menu component for React.
2 IssuesGraphite client for Elixir
2 IssuesA bot to update Chatting server status based on calendar busy status.
2 IssuesPython library for exploring, cleaning, normalizing, and augmenting large datasets of radiological data.
2 Issues10 recommended books for learning JavaScript
2 Issues:books: Fundamental programming with ruby examples and references. It covers threads, SOLID principles, design patterns, data structures, algorithms. Books for reading. Repo for website
2 IssuesSource Code analysis gem for Ruby and Rails
2 IssuesAnnotation processor that provides better navigation on android multi-modules projects.
2 IssuesA Gradle plugin that creates Github issue and Slack message for outdated dependencies so they can easily be tracked and manually upgraded.
2 IssuesSimple Calculator using HTML, CSS & Javascript.
2 IssuesOpenID library for Ruby
2 IssuesC Hypertext Library - A library for writing web applications in C
2 IssuesA PHP Framework For Creating Autonomous Slack Bots
2 IssuesThe platform that lets you find your favorite memes!
2 IssuesElixir library for Conekta api calls
(altyaper/conekta-elixir) (tunisiano187/chocolatey-packages)chocolatey-packages
2 Issues (ultimate-social/ultimate-social)ultimate-social
2 Issuesmemojiro
2 IssuesA minimalist note taking app to stop procastinating and free up the mind
2 IssuesShort Python code snippets for all your development needs
2 Issuescode powering the panda
2 Issueslight chaser is a lightweight data visualization designer tool
2 IssuesPython 3 Proxy Tookit - Fast Proxy Checker
2 IssuesRemove the fear of Android app compatibility on de-Googled devices.
2 IssuesKarrot is a free and open-source tool for grassroots initiatives and groups of people that want to coordinate face-to-face activities on a local, autonomous and voluntary basis.
2 IssuesA Flutter package that groups image-resolution variants inside your asset's folder
2 IssuesA compute framework for turning complex data into vectors.
2 IssuesAn Email Condom for your Ruby Server
(pboling/sanitize_email) (ukron-ai/miniature-broccoli)miniature-broccoli
2 is a Python package that allows you to automate WhatsApp and YouTube tasks in an asynchronous and headless way. It uses asyncpywhatkit and headlesspywhatkit libraries under the hood to provide fast and easy-to-use features. With, y
2 IssuesTruncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words without losing markup.