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2 IssuesA drop in replacement for the native MongoDB PHP Driver which transparently translates data in and out of mongo for smaller storage sizes
2 IssuesCurl Terraform Provider helps to trigger HTTP/s requests.
2 IssuesGolang SSH 隧道
(dtapps/go-ssh-tunnel) (adityakm24/synthify)synthify
2 Issueskarrot-frontend
2 IssuesKarrot is a free and open-source tool for grassroots initiatives and groups of people that want to coordinate face-to-face activities on a local, autonomous and voluntary basis.
2 IssuesA networking library for humans that code in C++
2 IssuesA framework to help implement Server-Driven UI in your apps natively.
2 IssuesTruncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words without losing markup.
2 IssuesGitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities
(longphu168/backup-utils) (longphu168/c-y-c-u-y-m)c-y-c-u-y-m
2 Issuesangularjs-springmvc-sample
2 IssuesA RESTful sample using AnguarJS/Bootstrap as frontend and Spring MVC as REST API producer
2 IssuesNode.js CLI tool to visualize an aggregate list of your dependencies' licenses
2 IssuesDesktop Bridge Extension to call Win32 APIs from UWP
2 IssuesFree Vue JS (Nuxt 2) Tailwind Admin Dashboard Template
(zuramai/nuxewind) (bradbirdsallchanged/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y)eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
2 Issuesmesa-project-signups-tool
2 IssuesA simple Python script for processing MESA project signups Excel spreadsheets
2 IssuesA minimal jekyll theme for writing.
2 IssuesCreate a summary readme for the testthat subdirectory to communicate with potential users
2 IssuesGo SDK for moonshot kimi
2 IssuesA angular module to add directives for touch devices.
2 IssuesA django package which act as a gateway to send and receive email with amazon SES.
2 IssuesExceptive is a Python library that makes exception handling more programmatic and debuggable.
2 IssuesMoodle org Tracker issues, I would like any developer to triage and get paid for.
2 IssuesA django compressor tool that bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with webpack and updates your html files with respective css, js file path.
2 IssuesAPT Repository list and Debian install file for Cydia
2 IssuesModule for lua decoding html entities :)
2 IssuesTruthy CMS's Frontend application written in ReactJS & Redux Saga. This project includes UI implementation of User Management, Role Management, Permission Management, Email Module, Account Settings, OTP, RBAC support, Localization, and many more.
2 IssuesTool create base project react native with redux
2 IssuesWeb crawler/spider for node.js & nest.js server
2 IssuesPYGA: Python Google Analytics (ga.js) - Data Collection API
2 IssuesCreate a Thrift Server use like Rails
2 IssuesA curated repository for minor and major projects alloted in schools and colleges
2 IssuesAngular 1.6 Setup With Webpack Starter
2 IssuesThe PHP Hooks Class is a fork of the WordPress filters hook system rolled in to a class to be ported into any php based system.
2 IssuesA convention-based object-object mapper in .NET.
2 IssuesEmissão de bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros
2 IssuesAzure Container Service Engine - provision and deploy container orchestrators on Azure: Kubernetes, DC/OS, and Docker Swarm.
2 IssuesRuby Object Oriented Design Inferometer
2 IssuesA simple version manager tool for switching between different versions of commands
2 IssuesFast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir. 🛍
2 IssuesGet memory usage of a process in Ruby
2 IssuesA database of vulnerabilities associated with functional languages
2 IssuesThe Official Pepipost Node.js API library
2 IssuesYour Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages
(bauripalash/fossurl) (fabioenne/demetra1)demetra1
2 Issuesfirextensions
2 Issues[DEPRECATED] 🔥 Unofficial Kotlin Extensions for the Firebase Android SDK.
2 IssuesA Fabric mod designed to dramatically improve the performance of Minecraft's lighting engine while fixing many bugs
2 IssuesA Wordpress plugin to automatically embed any movie stream using a shortcode and the films IMDB code.
(kay-tan/imdb-auto-embed) (lfbergee/playground)playground
2 Issues (alaincaron/ts-fluent-iterators-async)ts-fluent-iterators-async
2 Issues