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1 IssuesLaravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's subscription billing services.
1 IssuesThis is built on Laravel Framework 5.5.
1 IssuesThe Web development boilerplate CLI generator tool.
(xonawebsite/btgen) (kaamkiya/kabin)kabin
1 Issuesawesome-voyager
1 IssuesCurated list of Laravel Voyager ressources
1 IssuesPhoenix routes helpers in JavaScript code.
1 IssuesFind the best repos to contribute to, right from Discord!
(savioxavier/repo-finder-bot) (aniskehila/instagram-clone)instagram-clone
1 Issueslatexemoji
1 IssuesLatex package to include emoji in Latex document
1 IssuesTwilio channel for NestJS notification
1 IssuesThe F# Compiler, Core Library & Tools (F# Software Foundation Repository)
1 IssuesOnline Code opportunities for students
1 IssuesFaux Anonymous AR Models for testing Concerns, Observers, Decorators
(pboling/anonymous_active_record) (alaincaron/ts-data-collections)ts-data-collections
1 Issuesiiwtttseugiad-data-extract
1 IssuesWritten for "Is It Wrong to Try to Shoot 'em Up Girls in a Dungeon?" bin files.
1 generator
1 IssuesFramework that enables integration with a RESTful server using magic.
1 IssuesA tool to unpack the steam version of Simplz Zoo's pack.bin file.
1 IssuesSimple package for AES encryption and decryption written in golang
1 IssuesSimple react component for swipe events on touch 📲
1 IssuesSwim between bookmarks in the Terminal
(wilfredinni/marlin) (michaelhinrichs/astro-sentai-jarbonder-extractor)astro-sentai-jarbonder-extractor
1 Issuesgolog
1 IssuesSimple logging framework for go.
1 IssuesArbitrary precision decimal arithmetic
1 IssuesRuby gem binary distribution of the V8 JavaScript engine
(rubyjs/libv8) (kode54/sidplay-residfp)sidplay-residfp
1 Issuesc4sg-obsolete
1 IssuesCode for Social Good connects nonprofits and open sources with tech volunteers
(code4socialgood/c4sg-obsolete) (fezvrasta/rpi4-docker-compose-home-assistant)rpi4-docker-compose-home-assistant
1 Issuesandroid-components
1 Issues⚠️ This project moved to a new repository. It is now developed and maintained at:
1 IssuesTools and deployment configs for performance testing of 3scale API Management solution
(3scale-labs/perftest-toolkit) (tisighelivinstone/my-pluralsight-angular-project)my-pluralsight-angular-project
1 Issuescurso-js
1 Issues:yellow_heart: Curso de JavaScript
1 IssuesA based platform to play music on multiple devices simultaneously, in sync
1 IssuesA small npm module to validitate various types of numbers
1 IssuesA project created for the purpose of teaching how to persist data using PostgreSQL while creating APIs with NodeJs
1 Issuesa proxy server to bypass CORS enabled servers
1 IssuesA programming language that you'll :heart:
1 IssuesThe Package is Deprecated
1 IssuesPersistence simplified
1 IssuesThe way to start a django project with docker
1 Issuesi3-gaps – i3 with more features (forked from
1 IssuesHaskell Client for Discogs REST API
1 IssuesAksara is a CodeIgniter based CRUD Toolkit you can use to build complex applications become shorter, secure and more reliable just in a few lines of code. Serving both CMS or Framework, produce both HEADLESS (RESTful API) or TRADITIONAL (Browser Based) ju
1 IssuesDemonstrating an issue with jpegs in Rails asset pipeline
1 IssuesMirror of git://
1 IssuesBuild for local AWS Kinesis
1 IssuesTranslation Markup Language for Ruby on Rails
1 IssuesA Grammar of Data Manipulation for Omics Data
1 IssuesChart your rating of Lichess or